14 Mar 2008

Basic words in a meeting / palavras básicas em um encontro

1. Greetings / Saudação / cumprimento

Hi! / Hello!

How are you? / How is it going? / How are you doing?
Como vai você?
Como você está?
Como está?
Como vai?

I am fine and you?
Eu estou bem e você?
Estou bem e você?
Bem e você?
ATTENCION! In a formal way, you have to say:
Bem e o senhor? (for men)
Bem e a senhora? (for lady)

Nice to meet you
É um prazer conhecê-lo(for man)
É um prazer conhecê-la (for woman)
Prazer conhecê-lo(a)
Muito prazer

Nice to meet you too
O prazer é todo meu
Muito prazer também

Good morning
Bom dia

Good afternoon
Boa tarde

Good evening/night
Boa noite

See you tomorrow
Vejo você amanhã
Até amanhã

See you later
Vejo você mais tarde
Até logo


You can find differents expressions to each greatting in the various cities in Brazil and, sometimes, in the same city. To say goodbye, for example, many people say "Vou lá", what means "I'm going there", or "Tô indo", what means "I'm going...", or "Até a próxima!" what means "See you". It can be a slang or a reducted form to say the same thing.

13 Mar 2008

Lesson 2 - the alphabet / o alfabeto

Let's see the Portuguese alphabet and the pronunciation of each letter.

The Portuguese alphabet


A /ah/

B /bê/

C /cê/

D /dê/

E /é/ or /ê/

F /éfe/

G /gê/

H /agá/

I /i/

J /jota/

K /ká/

L /éle/

M /ême/

N /êne/

O /ó/

P /pê/

Q /quê/

R /érre/

S /ésse/

T /tê/

U /u/

V /vê/

X /xis/

Y /ipislon/

Z /zê/

W /dábliu/

Lesson 1 - basic about Brazil / básico sobre Brasil

General info / Informações Gerais

Official name / Nome oficial: Brazil / Brasil
Capital city / Capital: Brasilia / Brasília
Official language / Língua oficial: Portuguese / Português

Independency day / Dia da Independência: 7th setember / 7 de setembro

Flag / Bandeira: green, yellow, blue and white / verde, amarelo, azul e branco
Population / População: approximately 192 milion of people / aproximadamente 192 milhões de pessoas.

10 Mar 2008

You are very welcome!

Hi, I`m Juliana Menezes, a native Brazilian teacher, born in São Paulo and now living and teaching Portuguese to foreigners in Dublin, Ireland. I’ve studied for ages the Portuguese Language. I started teaching children and later I did a degree to teach Portuguese to high levels students. Milions of people have studied this charmer language and native speakers can be found in different places like Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Portugal, Guinea Bissau, East Timor, Macau, São Tomé and Príncipe.

I have experience tutoring Portuguese to foreigners in Brazil and Australia, where I have worked teaching private classes for individuals, couples and small groups. The program is for any level (beginner - advanced). I use an easy method and very dinamic didactic.

(map from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_language)

The classes:

1. One-on-one tutoring.

Individuals. To have this type of class, you should make an appointment for private sessions. It can be one time only occasions for study or review of a particular subject, or a series of classes. The meetings can be in a house of student or in a public place.

Rates are 20 euros for an hour. Half hour appointments are also available at 10 euros.

Descount: If you get more than 2 hours per week, the price is: 15 euros per hour.

2. Small Group Classes.

Small groups from 3 to 5 people.

The rent for a Small Group course is :

2 or 3 people: 25 euros per hour

4 or 5 people: 30 euros per hour

You can have a descount in meet for series of six sessions:

2 or 3 people: 12o euros per six classes ; hours (each hour = 20 euros)

4 or 5 people: 150 euros per six classes ; hours (each hour = 25 euros)

* This rates are per class not per person. The meeting can be in the student's house.


The Portuguese program includes for free:

- A walk class (me and the student(s) are going to visit a different place around Dublin and talk about everything in Portuguese).

- Meetings with brazilian people to conversation (a meeting is arranged to promove exchange language between brazilians and who is learning portuguese).

- Chat with brazilian people (MSN meetings with brazilian people to keep a conversation with who is learning Portuguese)

- Informations about Brazilian Culture, Brazilian Media, Portuguese language, Brazilian places to visit etc in a blog.

If you are interested, send me a message and I will give more informations - julianamenezes@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot!!