2 May 2008

What are we going to learn?

Portuguese Outline Course
Conversation, vocabulary, exercises and grammar.


Commons situations and vocabulary

- Greetings and essential phrases
- Commons words - body, food, drink, places, animals, clothes, activities, days, time, months, seasons, wheather, colours

Grammar - Introducing nouns, gender and plurals, adjectives, verbs - present tense, personal and possessive pronouns and articles, numbers, affirmative phrases, negation and interrogative.

Fonetic - the alphabet, sounds of letter and words
Sounds of "gua" , "qua", "gue" and "que"


Commons situations and vocabulary

- Going out - phrases and vocabulary about routine and habits
- Physical symptoms, express probability, express indisagreement

Grammar - tenses - past and future, demonstratives and interrogative pronouns, introducing prepositions.

Fonetic - word accents
Sound of ç, ã, õ, words ending with l.


Commons situations and vocabulary

- Experiences to write a message, a letter and dialogues.

Grammar - Tenses - infinitive and imperative, adverbs, prepositions, forming the feminine and the plural, comparative and superlative, differenciate between "bem" and "bom" ; "mau"
and "mal". Four types and meanings of the word "porque".

Fonetic - Nasalization


Commons situations and vocabulary

- Experiences to write stories.
- Experience to tell news.
- Popular expressions

Grammar - Formation of the subjunctive, reflexive and passive Verbs, relatives pronouns, conjunctions, prefix and sufix

Fonetic - Especials sounds: nh, lh, rr, ss, g, j.
Grafic accents: agudo, til, circunflexo, grave, trema

During the classes, the student will practice:

- reading
- spelling
- pronunciation
- writing
- listening

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